Thursday 19 December 2013

mid week snow

We had another dump of snow yesterday, a good 30cms (10 was forecast of course) and I opted to work from home. This was purely on the basis of my trip to drop off the girls, the one where it became quickly apparent that the snow was just resting on top of that thick bumpy slippery ice thats been plaguing everyone all week and the snow was deep. It came up to the underneath of my car and no snowplow had showed its face.

The news was full of accidents on the 102 and the reporting of the 18 wheeler off the road on the highway that I was due to travel down. I then had to make three attempts to even get out of the road and that, along with the 18 wheeler news sealed the deal.
I have also discovered this week that winter tires do not deal successfully with ice and I was getting to the stage where I kept it all crossed that I didnt have to brake at all, as the car just didnt stop.

So back home I came, to the joy of the dogs and had a peaceful day working at home.... was lovely.

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